Monday, February 21, 2011

If I Didn't Have You As A Sister, I'd Choose You As A Friend

Day 9 - Post of photo of the person that's got you through the most.

And that person sister, Natalie!

She's 3 years younger than me. We're complete opposites. I'm an extrovert, she's very shy. I like writing, she like numbers. I like alternative music, she loves honky-tonk country. She drinks tequila , I drink vodka. She likes to procrastinate, I like getting things done early.

But even though we're completely opposite in mostly every way, she's always been there for me. When I was little, she was the one comforting me when I had nightmares. My mom would often find that I had snuck out of bed at night to curl up in her room. 

She helped me through break-ups. I helped her with college essays. 

I stayed on the phone with her while she vented exhaustion, sadness and frustration while she took care of Nana in her last months. 

She sent me cards when I found out hubs was traveling for work. 

She was my maid of honor and I'll be her matron in June. We've seen each other through a lot of rough patches, and we've always come out the other side with a deeper appreciation for our relationship.

"Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears." 

So true. Love you, Natty!

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