Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Read More! It's Good for You

Occasionally, you come across something that you just have to share with anyone who will listen. Recently, while reading one of my college classmate's, Tabitha's blog (which I highly recommend), she wrote about a website called

If you're an avid reader, you should surf yourself right on over to the site. Everyone has those books on their bookshelf that were just ok, or those you'll never read more than once. Well, take those books, create a free account, and post them to the website. Then, peruse the site and pick some books someone else has posted and request them for yourself. You get credits for posting your books and one credit equals one book for you.

Within minutes of posting, someone had requested one of my books. For the cost of postage (about $1.50), I sent off my book using the label you can print from the site. Then, when my book is received, I get another credit to get another book!  Plus, there's a variety of books available...not just novels. Cookbooks, kids books, self help. It's a cheaper way to read more!

I requested Barefoot by Elin Hildebrand. 

Three women arrive at the local airport, observed by Josh, a Nantucket native home from college for the summer. Burdened with small children, unwieldy straw hats, and some obvious emotional issues--all trying to escape from something.

Hopefully it's a good one! 


Unknown said...

I read Barefoot and I loved it! I surprisingly did not even mind the ending though I would love a few more details. Another excellent book is Fire Fly Lane. AMAZING. First book that ever made me cry but in a good way!

Tabitha Studer said...

Thanks for the blog shout-out! So in love with paperback swap - glad to introduce you:) Let's be friends on there, because I have none...I'm PBS Friend requesting you in like 5 seconds

Heather said...

Amy - I can't wait to get it now! Yes!
Tab - You're so very welcome. I love reading your blog. Also, I just friended you on PBS and I'm probably going to request a book from you pronto. Ha! Thankssss!