Friday, January 13, 2012

Fitness Friday

Oh, hi! Yep, it's me. You know, the girl who hasn't blogged in a week. Life got the best of me. You know how it goes. But I'm looking forward to a productive weekend and perhaps some of that organizing I was talking about. I'd really like to take a big trip to Ikea...I just have to convince hubs to come with me. 

This week's fitness regimen has been cardio-filled. I really wanted to get back on board with some strength training and I didn't end up doing that a whole lot. And as for hot yoga? We had to cancel. Julie's grandmother passed away suddenly :( And I wasn't going for the first time by myself. Weiny, much? Yep. We are signed up for regular yoga this week though. 

Sunday: Nothing
Monday: 30 minute incline brisk walk
Tuesday: 60 minute run/walk (14 minutes running...working on building to 30)
Wednesday: 30 minutes incline brisk walk
Thursday: 30 minutes run/walk
Friday: 30 minutes incline brisk walk; 100 workout

Goal for next week? Incorporate the 100 workout at least 3 times and add a treadmill interval workout. My 30 minutes aren't going to cut it. I need to up the time too.

I'm also still using the Lose It app! I've made some adjustments. I was recording my exercise, but now I'm not. Because I was eating those extra calories that it gave me. I'd like to stay away from using them if possible so that I net 1250 calories a day (I'm on the 1427 per day plan, to lost 1.5 pounds a week....even though I haven't seen the scale budge much.) Plus, I found this photo on Pinterest the other day and I think it speaks volumes about weight vs. muscle.

Happy Friday!

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