Friday, February 10, 2012

Fitness Friday

It's Fridayyyy! Which means it's time for some fitness. 

This has been a busy week in our world. Just a lot of random crap during the week, which has totally thrown off my routine. But, that's life, right?

Last week was the last time for yoga. At least at that studio. Why, you ask? Well, I signed up for a 30-day trial membership for $30. Reasonable, right? I thought so. In what felt like a hot minute, my membership was expired, so I looked into getting the real deal. Then I saw the monthly price tag. 

$1-0-9 ... with a four month commitment. Which ends up being (math, oh GOD - WHERE'S THE CALCULATOR) $436. $436 of my hard-earned cash. Nearly as much as we paid for our treadmill. Or a year-long gym membership. No thanks. I'll take Jillian's Yoga Meltdown for $9.99, please. 

It's sad though. Because I LOVE the studio I went to. Loved the instructors. Loved the way they calmed me at the end with meditation. Loved looking like a giant horse's ass with Julie while we attempted far too skilled poses. Alas, I just can't justify the cost. Maybe if yoga suctioned the globs of fat from my gut, I'd make the investment.

Also, I just found out that the guy who spoke to us last week at work is also a personal trainer. Brian Boyle. Now, for that? I'd pay $436, plus change. Seriously, watch this video about his story. It's amazing, and inspirational and ALMOST makes me want to run. And he's not hard on the eyes. Just sayin'. 

Anywho, here's how the week panned out:

Sunday: Nada - It's the Lord's day afterall.
Monday: 40 minute incline walk, 100 workout
Tuesday: 30 minute incline walk/run, lunges, squats, push ups, crunches
Wednesday: Nothing. (For shame, I know.)
Thursday: 30 minute include walk/run, push ups, crunches
Friday: 40 minute incline walk, push ups, crunches, squats, lunges 
Saturday: Does bowling count as exercise? Particularly Duck Pin bowling?

Happy weekend!

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