Thursday, April 7, 2011

Puppy Bowl!

This past weekend, my friends brought their new puppies to my house for a puppy play date. While the adults enjoyed some adult beverages, the puppies played their little hearts out. Except for Wiggles. Since he's the grumpy old man, he spent most of the night watching from the couch. 

First, we made a special message for hubs:

And after some get-acquainted time (aka, butt sniffing), the puppies played:

Then Wiggles and Peanut played with Uncle Chris:

Photo op with the daddies and their new puppies:

And finally, snuggle time on the couch:

This was all a lot of activity for my two pups, so Sunday was super ultimate nap day. 


Tabitha Studer said...

my favorite part of puppy playdates is the day after that is always super ultimate nap day. hehhhe. such a cute post:)

Heather said...

Isn't it the best? I love super ultimate naps.

Stephanie said...

OK...that's seriously about the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!! Thanks for sharing those adorable pics!

HC said...

Those are the cutest puppies! Sounds like a great time, nothing more fun than watching puppies play!